All of the events and classes held by the library are free and open to anyone. You can also access these free educational opportunities. Look here for details on our technology one-on-one sessions.
Northstar Digital Literacy comes complete with short lessons and practice exercises to improve skills on a number of common computer topics. Northstar is self-directed, with assessments and learning tools that cover a variety of technology scenarios. Northstar Digital Literacy can help you improve your technology skills and demonstrate your digital proficiency to current and prospective employers. You can use Northstar without a library card and access it 24x7. Library staff are available to help with Northstar on site during regular hours.
Resume generator is a quick and easy way to put your information, credentials, and experience to paper. It's a simple, no-frills way to create a basic resume.
Find free practice tests, help, and handbooks for Ohio vehicle licenses - cars, motorcycles, and CDL certification.
Your account will not be affected, just free access. The State of Ohio is ending it's subscription to this learning tool, effective July 1, 2024.
Access is free with your RML Library card. Getting a library card is easy; get the details. All classes and tutorials are online.
LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos. With more than 5,000 courses and personalized recommendations, you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests. You can also choose to add these courses and related skills to your LinkedIn profile once you've completed them.