We have a short but spooky reading challenge for October. You can download and print your own BINGO board, pick one up at any library desk, or use Beanstack for this challenge. Play our reading BINGO, completing just five squares in a row for your win. Once you've earned your BINGO, stop by the first floor desk to pick up your Treat Bag - so sweet!
This year's Bookworm Challenge takes a 12-month tour of the genres. The big goal is to read at least 80 hours (adults) or 50 hours (youth) and complete at least nine genre badges on your year-long journey.
Each month, a new genre badge becomes available to earn. If you miss a month or join late, you can always go back and complete previous badges. Of the 9 badges required for completion, you must earn the Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction, and Nonfiction badges. For the five remaining badges needed, you may choose whatever genre you like. Of course, you may complete all 12 badges! We'll never stop you from reading more 😄
Sign up now and happy reading, bookworms!